Each year the Association makes awards for angling excellence. The winners for 2022/23 were:
Hamills Sports Trophy:
Heaviest Rainbow Trout caught by Senior Male Member - Chris Taylor
Jack Bell Memorial Trophy:
Best condition factor Rainbow Trout caught by Male senior member - No award
Richard Randall Memorial Trophy:
Heaviest Rainbow Trout caught by a Lady member - No award
Doug Lynch Memorial Trophy:
Best condition factor Rainbow Trout caught by a Lady member - No award
Jack England Cup:
Heaviest Brown Trout caught by a Male senior member - Gavin Corbett
Dave Ellery Trophy:
Best condition factor Brown Trout caught by male senior member - Ron Cole
Maureen Doherty Memorial Cup:
Heaviest Brown Trout caught by a Lady member - No award
Wyn Johnson Memorial Trophy:
Best condition factor Brown Trout caught by a Lady member - No award
Kilwell Prize:
Heaviest Trout (Brown or Rainbow) caught by a Junior member - Cormac Davis
Honey McGregor Trophy:
Best condition factor Rainbow Trout caught by a Junior member - No award
Gerry Watt Memorial Trophy:
Best condition factor Brown Trout caught by a Junior member - Cormac Davis
Ces Taylor Cup:
Highest aggregate condition factor for a bag of four trout caught in one day - Chris Taylor
O'Keefe's Cup:
Heaviest Trout caught on a club trip - No award
Terry Wood trophy:
Heaviest Trout caught on a dry fly - No award
Westpac Trophy:
Heaviest Trout caught out of the district and not on club trip - No award
Ken Nairn Memorial Trophy:
Heaviest Trout caught on lightest tippet - Chris Taylor
Chris Beamish White Trophy and Honours Board:
Best conditioned factor trout overall - No award
President’s Cup:
Heaviest Trout caught overall - Brendan Davis, 4.45kg Brown Hen, Ngongataha Stream.
Heaviest sea fish - Pete Finlay
Bas Jackson Memorial Trophy:
Best Newsletter article - No award
Stephen Hutton Memorial Trophy:
Most Sporting junior angler of the year - Cormac Davis
Art City Photo Award:
Photo of the Year - Gavin Corbett