The Rotorua Anglers Association produced the first Rotorua Trout Fishing Guide in 1965, and has since published seven new updated editions. The 8th edition, published in August 2016, is considerably updated and enhanced, containing 104 pages of up to date information on the fishable lakes and waterways in the Rotorua and surrounding areas. Greatly enhanced with colour photographs and detailed maps, the information includes where and how to fish the various waterways, covering fly fishing and the various boat fishing methods, as well as tips on techniques, selection of equipment, knots, flies, and much more. A brief history of the Rotorua lakes fishery is also covered, and information on the history and activities of the Rotorua Anglers Association and Eastern Region Fish & Game.
This publication is intended as a guide to the many hundreds of trout fishing venues available in the Rotorua and Bay of Plenty area. It is mainly for the inexperienced angler or visitor to the area, but the “expert” is also likely to find something of value among these pages.
The Rotorua Trout Fishing Guide, 8th edition, is now available for purchase by contacting the Secretary at:
Price: $25.00 + $2.00 p&p. within New Zealand. Please enquire for overseas postage rates and payment options.
Retail and Club enquiries – please contact the secretary for prices.
Payment is by cash or direct credit to our bank account - Kiwibank, Rotorua A/c No: 38-9014-0578816-00
Please use your surname and initials and "guidebook" as a reference and email these details along with a postal address to the secretary as confirmation.