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The Ngongotaha Stream is the largest tributary of Lake Rotorua and during the spawning season large numbers of very big fish move upstream from the lake to spawn. A trout hatchery on the Ngongotaha is used for events and children's fishing days.


The Ngongotaha Stream Restoration Project was officially declared open in August of 2001.

Since then, many thousands of volunteer hours have been expended, creating a delightful bush walkway that meanders for some four kilometres upstream of the Ngongotaha township. Thousands of native trees, shrubs, ferns and grasses have been planted turning a former wasteland into a miniature forest that is now home to an increasing variety of native bird life.

It's an ongoing project. Every week, dedicated volunteers are contributing time and effort to maintain and build on the results achieved over the last two decades. Existing pathways are maintained , trees are pruned and pest weed infestations are controlled. Annually, hundreds of native trees and shrubs are planted throughout the growing season and deep rooting
native grasses are planted on the stream banks to help control erosion.


This project is labour intensive, and relies on volunteers giving of their time and expertise.


This is where you come in.


The Rotorua Anglers Association has recently committed to a monthly Saturday morning working bee, which will focus on the stream itself, as seen from an anglers perspective. Effort will be focused on improving angler access to the runs and pools which are home to both Rainbow and Brown trout. The objective will be to create a more angler friendly environment whilst causing as little disruption as possible to the known pools and lies of resident trout. Willow and blackberry infestations are obvious targets and the removal of years of accumulated debris that litters the stream bed will certainly improve the anglers chances.


The Ngongotaha is a productive, well stocked stream that draws anglers from all over the world. Open all year round, it provides a variety of fishing experiences for the thoughtful angler.

The ongoing efforts of the Ngongotaha Stream Team and the Rotorua Anglers Association can only enhance its reputation.

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1 June, 6 July, 3 August, 7 September, 5 October, 2 November, 7 December


 9 a.m. with lunch around noon.


From Rotorua drive into Ngongotaha, go over the SH36 bridge and turn left into Western Road. Park in the Elliot Park parking area. Any enquiries to Gavin Corbett 021-226-3978.


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