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  • Want to learn more about fly fishing?

    The Rotorua Anglers Association has run two successful A-Z Fly Fishing courses during 2024. Register here  for the next one in 2025 or email the assocation direct

  • Tidying the Ngongataha

    Fishing the Ngongotaha, upstream from the village, is a challenge for even the most experienced angler. One of the objectives of the ‘Stream Team’ is to identify good fishing waters that can be made more accessible for anglers. Steep banks, overhanging trees, and debris in the stream itself are the most common challenges faced. Pictured, is a set of steps that have been constructed to make access to a promising stretch of the stream more accessible. Prior to their installation, intrepid anglers had to contend with a steep and slippery slope. There is more work yet to be done on this particular stretch of the stream. A track needs to be cleared along the bank to give anglers better visibility for locating holding fish. Willows, growing low down on the bank and stretching across the stream impede progress for the wading angler. If those could be removed, an angler could wade upstream a considerable distance fishing the holes and undercut banks. This will be the next project for the Rotorua Anglers stream team.

  • Planting the future

    A cold wind and intermittent showers may have deterred some, but there was a very good turn out for the Community Planting Day on the Ngongataha Stream walkway on 1 July. Around eight hundred native plants, courtesy of Regional Council, were planted at designated sites along the walkway. A big thank you to the volunteers who turned up. Their efforts will help control erosion on the stream banks and add to the natural beauty of the walkway.

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